<a href=https://medium.com/@agurkin2021/how-to-lose-weight-0b78eb478500>How to lose weight</a>
?Her phrase sounded with a special chuckle. It’s obvious that she didn’t believe this obese man: what food lover can give up food? Taking the tray, he retired to the table with doubts. But the very awareness that he supported his beloved and did not abandon her in a difficult moment — already satiated him completely. It turns out that buckwheat is also tasty, and without mayonnaise. The salad has an unusual pleasant sourness, almost like chips. And the compote is even nicer than the foreign soda — that’s how much he wanted to support Tanya! Coming to the shop, he had a very unusual conversation, which he did not expect himself:
— Petrovich, why did you decide to lose weight? Lyudka has already reported everything to us. Have you decided to become an athlete in your years?
— Yes, my wife’s viper-friends are attacking her! They have so bullied her that she decided to put all of us on a weight loss program. The poor thing almost cries when she thinks about it.
— Wait, is that our Tanya from the accounting department? The one with dark hair. Well, what kind of friends are offending her there?
— Yes, my beauty. But it’s Victoria Gronich who teases her the most, if you know her.
— Wait, the Gronich family! So these are my neighbors, they’ve been fighting ungodly every day! I’ll have a talk with her, for sure.