OGP’s parliamentary engagement saw exponential growth in recent years, bringing
new actors and activities to the table. The 2019 Global Summit was attended by delegates
from more than 40 legislative institutions, creating a space for strategic discussions on next
steps with partners, parliamentary delegates, and OGP Points of Contact. These discussions
confirmed a clear demand for increased parliamentary engagement and a need for further
technical assistance and hands-on support by partners. So far, there have been 145
commitments related to legislative openness, 82 of them included in 2018 or 2019 action
plans. Commitments directly affecting parliament comprise the third-fastest growing
policy area group overall and the second fastest in Asia and Europe.
Stand-out 2019 commitments include:
Sierra Leone, where Parliament will take measures to strengthen the public participation
of citizens, in particular women and marginalized groups. Alongside this, Parliament has
committed to proactively support the implementation of the Sierra Leone action plan.
Kyrgyzstan, where Parliament will be overseeing the implementation of the OGP action
plan by the government. A parliamentary committee has been tasked to track bottlenecks,
hold government officials to account, and explore legislative action where needed.
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