OGP is overseen at the international level by a Steering Committee composed of representatives of governments and civil society organizations in equal numbers - a unique model that embodies the goal of civic participation. OGP’s rotating leadership group also comes from both sectors, with two government co-chairs and two civil society co-chairs.
The OGP Support Unit is a small, permanent secretariat that works closely with the Steering Committee to advance the goals of the Open Government Partnership. The Support Unit is designed to maintain institutional memory, manage OGP’s external communications, ensure the continuity of organizational relationships with OGP’s partners, and support the broader membership. The Support Unit serves as a neutral, third-party between governments and civil society organizations, ensuring that OGP maintains the productive balance between the two constituencies.
OGP brings together governments and civil society organizations as true partners at both the national and international level. At the national level, governments work with civil society organizations to develop and implement their OGP national action plan. Countries are encouraged to institutionalize a mechanism for ongoing dialogue and collaboration between government and civil society. Within OGP, the Independent Civil Society Engagement team (CSE) works to broaden, strengthen and engage a strong civil society network to participate in OGP, particularly at the national level. The CSC supports national civil society actors to help them make better use of the OGP process -- including the design, implementation and monitoring of OGP action plans -- for achieving their own advocacy objectives.
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is a key means by which all stakeholders can track OGP progress in participating countries. The IRM produces biannual independent progress reports for each country participating in OGP. The progress reports assess governments on the development and implementation of OGP action plans, progress in fulfilling open government principles, and make technical recommendations for improvements. These reports are intended to stimulate dialogue and promote accountability between member governments and citizens.